TBI pacemaker run cross plot case plots

Specific TBI pacemaker, cross run/plotcase plots
Simulation includeds
    NorESM1/2 ; anomaly/full field nudge
    All of them are 5 members, nudge at 10NS Altantic plus 10 deg. taper
Analysis period are 1980-2000 and 2000-2020

TBI pacemaker super ensemble UV

Specific TBI pacemaker, super ensemble
Simulation includeds
    NorESM1/2 ; anomaly/full field nudge
    Each of them are 5 members, nudge at 10NS Altantic plus 10 deg. taper
Analysis period are 1980-2000 and 2000-2020
This correlation is between model U,V and AMIP tos(SST).

TBI pacemaker super ensemble

Specific TBI pacemaker, super ensemble
Simulation includeds
    NorESM1/2 ; anomaly/full field nudge
    Each of them are 5 members, nudge at 10NS Altantic plus 10 deg. taper
Analysis period are 1980-2000 and 2000-2020

TBI pacemaker super ensemble PRECT

Specific TBI pacemaker, super ensemble
Simulation includeds
    NorESM1/2 ; anomaly/full field nudge
    Each of them are 5 members, nudge at 10NS Altantic plus 10 deg. taper
Analysis period are 1980-2000 and 2000-2020
Here GPCP data is used to correlation.

TBI pacemaker super ensemble VP200

Specific TBI pacemaker, super ensemble
Simulation includeds
    NorESM1/2 ; anomaly/full field nudge
    All of them are 5 members, nudge at 10NS Altantic plus 10 deg. taper
Analysis period are 1980-2000 and 2000-2020

contact: pgchiu (Ping-Gin.Chiu_at_uib.no)