
This page provides documentation on how members of the BCPU can get technical support from others within the team.


In order to keep technical requests in a central and discoverable place, we are using GitHub Issues as an issue tracker. Requests for support can be made on the ‘Issues’ tab of the GitHub repository BjerknesCPU/BCPU-support.


In order to access this repository to use the issue tracker, you will need a GitHub account and you will need to be added to the BjerknesCPU GitHub organization. To be added to this, please contact

Within the BCPU-support repository on GitHub, navigate to the ‘Issues’ tab where you should be able to see existing requests. To create your own request here, select ‘New issue’, and a ‘Template request’ should appear. Click ‘Get Started’ and fill in the fields of the template to make the request.

Support for the request will then be followed up as replies on the issue, and the issue will be closed once it is resolved.


As an alternative to the GitHub Issue system, there is also a mailing list ( to which technical requests can be directed. These requests will get picked up by someone in the team, who will respond to the request via email and also copy the request to the issue tracker.