ERA data

This page contains information on how data from the ECMWF ERA5, ERA20C and ERA-Interim (ERAI) datasets are stored in our NS9039K data structure in NIRD.

Files from ERA5, ERA20C or ERAI should all be named following the same conventions:


using the following definitions:

<ERA_dataset> : which dataset (ERA5/ERA20C/ERAI)

<parameter_number> : Three-digit number from the parameter table.

<date> : date of data (e.g. 201901)

<end_date> : (optional) end date of data if range is specified (e.g. 201912)

<months> : (optional) which months of the year (e.g. ‘_DJF_’)

<frequency> : (optional) dependent on time step selected (e.g. 6-hourly, 12-hourly)

<extension> : file extension which is ‘.grib’ or ‘.nc’

For example:




Download instructions here.

ERA5 data is stored in NIRD in the structure /projects/NS9039K/data/external/reanalysis/ECWMF/ERA5/original/<ERA5-dataset>/<product_type>/<variable_name>/

Where <ERA5-dataset> is a subset of ERA5 which can be searched here

<product_type> can be found on the ‘Download data’ tab, for example: ` for hourly_single-level_prelim <!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-preliminary-back-extension>`_

<variable_name> is the short name of the variable (e.g. tas or uas) which can be found in the parameter table.


Download here.

ERA20C data is stored in NIRD in the structure /projects/NS9039K/data/external/reanalysis/ECWMF/ERA20C/original/<Type_of_level>/<Type>/<ERA-20C_sets>/<variable_name>/

This structure is identical to that of the download page above.

<variable_name> is the short name of the variable (e.g. tas or uas) which can be found in the parameter table.


Download here.

ERAI data is stored in NIRD in the structure /projects/NS9039K/data/external/reanalysis/ECWMF/ERAI/original/<Type_of_level>/<ERA_Interim_Fields>/<variable_name>/

This structure is identical to that of the download page above.

<variable_name> is the short name of the variable (e.g. tas or uas) which can be found in the parameter table.