Figure plan for decadal hindcast following Bethke et al.(2021) 10.5194/gmd-14-7073-2021 1. ACC and dACC ACC use ensemble mean time: lead year 1, 2-5, 6-9 dACC with Persistance, historical and analysis variables: SST, T300, S300, SSH, T2m (SAT) obs: ERSSTv5 EN4 EN4 ARMOR-3D L4HadCRUT4 Needs: 1. ensmean and mean with lead years Capable for 1+ member and make persistance(from obs) agg. with lead year. casename = runname(leadYear, case) output t,y,x, where t is forecast time (year or years average) cdo? 2. ACC cdo? 3. plot it (NCL) 3. historical ACC 4.