# For seasonal hindcasts analysis # Assume hindcast are ran 4 times per year (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct) # Forecast 1 year (or 13 months) ## This diag name, will be appeared on webpage plotCase: norcpm2_ana_hindcast ## Data path without case name BASEDIR: /cluster/shared/NS9039K/norcpm_ana_hindcast/hindcasts_1985-2010 ## Case name prefix, should be ${RUNPRE}YYYYMMDD RUNPRE: norcpm_ana_hindcast_ ## Observation data path ##Betzy## OBSDIR: /cluster/projects/nn9039k/NorCPM/Obs ## The plot recipes to run Recipes: 21_rank_histogram_obs.yml 23_rank_histo_ts_ano.yml ## The plot recipes can be run. Move to Recipes if need to run RecipesSkip: 22_rank_histogram_ano_obs.yml 12_atl3_predic_skill.yml 13_nino34_predic_skill.yml 14_AnoCor_sst_obs.yml 15_AnoCor_prec_obs.yml 17_AnoCor_sst_alllead.yml 18_AnoCor_prec.yml 19_AnoCor_tsfc_obs.yml 20_rank_histogram.yml 16_AnoCor_ohc_obs.yml RecipesNotReady: 1A_AnoCor_z700_obs.yml 24_rank_histo_z700_ano.yml 25_rank_histo_t2m_ano.yml ### If DryRun is set to True, means only create scripts, not run them. DryRun: False ### Number of recipes run in same time. (with threading) MaxProc: 2 ## These variables are ignore in this version. outputDir: /cluster/projects/nn9039k/people/pgchiu/diag_norcpm/norcpm2_ana_hindcast diag_norcpm_Root: /cluster/projects/nn9039k/people/pgchiu/diag_norcpm/diag_norcpm DefaultYML: /cluster/projects/nn9039k/people/pgchiu/diag_norcpm/diag_norcpm/Defaults.yml