## Decadal hindcast of NorCPM verifing ### ref: 10.5194/gmd-14-7073-2021 ## historical run data path, with case name ### ex /path/to/case/case_mem01/atm/hist ### -> /path/to/case HISTPATH: /cluster/shared/NS9039K/archive/noresm_ctl_f09_tn14_19700101 ## analysis run data path, with case name ANAPATH: /cluster/shared/NS9039K/archive/norcpm_ana_f09_tn14 ## hindcasts run data path, with case name ### need be multiple forecasts with multiple member ### ex: /path/to/hindcasts/case_YYYYMMDD/case_mem01/atm/hist ### HINDCASTSDATAPATH: /path/to/hindcasts ### CASENAMEPRE: case_ HINDPATH: /cluster/shared/NS9039K/norcpm_ana_hindcast/archive/ HINDPRE: norcpm_ana_f09_tn14_decadal_hindcast_ HIND: norcpm_ana_f09_tn14_decadal_hindcast BASEDIR: /cluster/shared/NS9039K/norcpm_ana_hindcast/archive/ RUNPRE: norcpm_ana_f09_tn14_decadal_hindcast_ INITMONTH: 10 INITDAY: 15 ## The init years to verify, must list explicitly (for biannual or specific cases) YEARS: 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2014 TIMETAG: 1999-2013 ## Recipes: list of recipes to run Recipes: Decadal02/DD01_Tref.yml Skip: Decadal/D01_nino34_sst.yml Decadal/D02_NAtlSTG_sst.yml Decadal/D03_nino34_prec.yml Decadal/D11_amo.yml # Processing options ## If DryRun is set to True, means only create scripts, not run them. DryRun: False ## Number of recipes run in same time. (with threading) MaxProc: 1 Include: Include