NorESM SST pacemaker precipitation plots

N2_Ano 200hPa Velocity Potential plots
P1: 1980-2000
p2: 2000-2020

NorCPM SST nudging

N2_Ano and AMIP sst correlation

NorESM SST pacemaker Velocity Potential plots

N2_Ano 200hPa Velocity Potential plots
P1: 1980-2000
p2: 2000-2020

NorESM SST pacemaker Velocity Potential plots

N2_Ano 850hPa Velocity Potential plots
P1: 1980-2000
p2: 2000-2020

NorESM SST correlation

N2_Ano sst correlation plots
Period is 1980 to 2020

contact: pgchiu (