

SST heterogeneous Anomaly Correlation(AC), 1-4 lead season

Following Becker et al. 2014 approach, 1-4 lead seasonal forecast correlation.  
The correlation is between HadISST and ensemble mean.

Ocean Heat Content heterogeneous Anomaly Correlation(AC), 1-4 lead season

Following Becker et al. 2014 approach, 1-4 lead seasonal forecast correlation.  
The correlation is 100m OHC100 between EN4 4.2.1 and ensemble mean.

SST regional Rank histogram

SST rank histogram. Use HadISST as observation data. 

SST anomaly Rank histogram

SST anomaly prediction rank histogram. Use HadISST as  observation data. 

contact: pgchiu (Ping-Gin.Chiu_at_uib.no)