README Scripts for creating ice core reconstruction-based volcanic forcing for CAM a la Bethke et al. 2017. Creates CAM volcanic forcing file from volcanic eruption history input file. The input file is in text format with columns 1=eruption year 2=location flag (1 tropical, 2/3 NH/SH extratropical) 3=stratospheric volcanic aerosol mass load in TG The temporal coverage in model time is set with "year1" and "yearn" in the script. The value of "offset" is added to the year information from the reconstruction. Writing of eruption histories in text format is toggled with "output_text". To use a forcing file, copy the file to inputdata/atm/cam/volc and add following lines to CAM's namelist &prescribed_volcaero_nl prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/volc' prescribed_volcaero_file = '' / Creates stochastic CAM volcanic forcing files from volcanic eruption history input file using random resampling. The input file is in text format with columns 1=eruption year 2=location flag (1 tropical, 2/3 NH/SH extratropical) 3=stratospheric volcanic aerosol mass load in TG The temporal coverage in model time is set with "year1" and "yearn" in the script. The number of forcing realisations is set with "nmem". Writing of netcdf forcing files is toggled with "output_netcdf". Writing of eruption histories in text format is toggled with "output_text". The files can be modified and then used as input for To use a forcing file, copy the file to inputdata/atm/cam/volc and add following lines to CAM's namelist &prescribed_volcaero_nl prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/volc' prescribed_volcaero_file = '' / nature14565-s6_stratAerosolMass.txt: Input file based on data in nature14565-s6.xlsx from Sigl et al. 2015. CESM default historical volcanic forcing (Ammann et al. 2003). Used to extract vertical shape function for stratospheric volcanic aerosol load. Generic shape functions for space-time evolution of stratospheric volcanic aerosol load. These are extracted Literature (in nclimate3394.pdf, nclimate3394-s1.pdf: Bethke et al. 2017 with SI nature14565.pdf, nature14565-s6.xlsx: Sigl et al. 2015 with SI, contains Gao et al. 2007 for estimation of stratospheric load 2006JD007461.pdf: Gao et al. 2007 2020EF001803.pdf, 2020ef001803-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.docx: Wenmin et al. 2021., spin-off study of Bethke et al. 2017 with additional info on forcing creation/validation in SI ammann03.pdf: Ammann et al. 2003, description of CCSM default volcanic forcing