NorESM2-LM contribution to LESFMIP ---------------------------------- 2023.11.13 by 1. Data summary 20-member ensembles with NorESM2-LM for the experiments hist-GHG hist-aer hist-lu hist-sol hist-totalO3 hist-volc The output comprises approximately 150 fields and 1.3 TB per experiment. 2. Download instructions Obtain wget-download scripts with wget wget wget wget wget wget Make download scripts executable with chmod +x wget_DAMIP_NorESM2-LM_hist-* Run download scripts with ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ 3. Customizing download scripts By default the download scripts do not create sub-directories. However, the creation of sub-directories can be enforced, however, by changing CREATE_SUBDIRS=true to CREATE_SUBDIRS=false close to the top in the download scripts. A number of switches are defined at the top of the download scripts that control the fields to be downloaded. By default all switches are set to true and all available fields downloaded. Setting switches to false will deselect downloading. For example, changing thetao_Omon=true to thetao_Omon=false will deselect downloading of monthly ocean temperature.